03.02.2020 Alpine Select: Preliminary information on the annual results for 2019 (Swiss GAAP FER «FER»)
Press Release
Zug, 3 February 2020
Alpine Select AG («Alpine Select» / the «Company») hereby informs its shareholders and other interested market participants that it expects a consolidated profit of approximately CHF 13 million in its FER financial reporting 2019. The previous period (financial year 2018) was prepared in accordance with IFRS stand-alone and posted an unconsolidated loss of CHF 16 million.
After the change to the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange at the end of July 2019, the financial report as of 31 December 2019 will be the Company’s first report that is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Swiss GAAP FER and in which the portfolio is presented consolidated again. Otherwise, the previous valuation methods will continue to be applied insofar as they comply with the requirements of Swiss GAAP FER.
Alpine Select publishes weekly its consolidated net asset value (NAV). This guarantees a timely flow of information to shareholders and other interested parties regarding the development of the portfolio of the Company.
The disclosures made for the financial year 2019 are unaudited. Alpine Select will publish its audited annual report with detailed information on 16 April 2020.
For further information, please contact Claudia Habermacher (
About Alpine Select
Alpine Select Ltd is an investment company domiciled in Zug and has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1998 (since 5 August 2019 in the Swiss Reporting Standard). The company offers its shareholders the key benefit of investing into a diversified alternative investment portfolio. Alpine Select maintains an active and constructive dialogue with management and board of directors of its portfolio companies in the best interest of its shareholders. Alpine Select does not charge any management or performance fees.
- Press release (in PDF format)